Friday 28 November 2014

The Beauty Blogger Tag

So I have a tag post for you guys today, which I'm really excited about as I love writing these and I feel like it helps my readers to get to know me better. I was tagged by the lovely Bethany over at Beauty By Bethany (link here) to do the Beauty Blogger Tag so thank you Bethany!

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Normally dead straight but it can go a bit wavy overnight.

2. What is your natural hair colour?
I was born blonde, but my hair went a mousy brown colour when I was about 6. When I got to 15 it started getting even darker so it's now naturally a mid brown colour.

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I dye my hair lighter myself using the L'oreal Casting Sunkiss Jelly. It's only a very weak bleach and I just use it on the ends of my hair to give a slight dip dye effect, as well as adding in a few highlights.

4. How often do you wash your hair?
At least 4 times a week. My hair is very thin so it gets greasy quickly.

5. Do you wear the same hairstyle everyday or change it?
I tend to wear my hair the same for weeks on end, and then discover a new style and constantly wear my hair in that way instead.

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I do my own. I've been painting my nails on a weekly basis for a couple of years now so I can do a mean manicure haha.

7. How often do you change your nail polish?
Normally I paint my nails every Saturday evening (I love a good regular schedule ahah) but sometimes I'll also redo them on Wednesday if they're looking a bit rough or I'm going out Friday or Saturday night.

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter too, or just in the summer?
I only do them in the summer as no one sees my toes in the winter, but to be honest I'm so lazy when it comes to painting my toe nails so I leave it on over a month before I change it, even in the summer.

9. How long does it take you to put on your makeup?
It depends whether I'm doing a full makeup routine or not. For college normally about 10 - 15 minutes, 15 - 20 at the weekends, and for a night out, anything up to 45 minutes really.

10. What do you do first - face or eyes?
I do my foundation first, then my eye makeup, and then my concealer and other face products so that any fall out from my eye makeup is covered over.

11. Do you 'collect' makeup or just buy it as you need it?
I did go through a stage of collecting a ridiculous amount of makeup, but now I'm more restrained and try to only buy what I need. However, if a new launch really catches my eye, or a product keeps popping up on other people's blogs, sometimes I just have to give in to temptation.

12. How often do you wear false lashes?
Very rarely; I wore them for prom and I think I've worn them to a couple of parties. I need to get a new pair actually, mine are pretty wrecked.

13. Do you wear a full face of makeup every day?
For college yes, but I won't go all out on my eye makeup.

14. Do you wear makeup when you're home alone (or with family)?
If I'm not going out at the weekend I won't put any on; I need to give my skin a bit of a break. If I'm going out with my family I will though.

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
It sounds bad, but not really. I just look so dead without any makeup.

16. How many high end products do you have?
I have 2 MAC products, 2 from Urban Decay, 1 from Benefit and a few Benefit samples. Not loads but I'm so happy with the ones I have.

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
I am so so bad at this! I literally only wash them every few months which is absolutely awful. I'm going to try to start doing them every month and work from there.

18. Do you plan your OOTD the night before or when you're getting dressed?
Usually I'll plan while I'm having my breakfast and washing in the morning, unless it is for something important.

19. How often do you change your bag?
I usually get a new handbag every 6 months as I like to swap as the seasons change. In terms of school bag, I generally get a new one at the start of each school year. I try to make them last longer but the straps always seem to break because of how much I have to carry.

20. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
My college timetable is all over the place, so it really depends when I have lessons, but I usually get up between 7:30 and 8:30. I'm really bad at lying in so even at the weekends I'm up by 9. I normally go to bed at 9:30, spend an hour or so on my iPod and then go to sleep.

21. How often and when do you work out?
I play badminton at county standard so I have regular physical training for that twice a week, as well as playing more casually twice a week. I also have free gym membership as I work at a gym so I try and make use of that at least once a week.

22. Left handed or right handed?

23. How tall are you?
5'10; I'm a bit of a giant.

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
I learnt German at GCSE but I'm certainly not fluent.

25. How many pets do you have?
None :(. I am desperate for a dog and have been for years now. I also really like cats but getting a dog will be my first priority when I move out!

26. How often are you on Blogger?
I use Bloglovin to read blog posts so I'm on that a couple of times a day. I use Blogger to write my posts so I'm on that a few times during to week to draft, check, edit and schedule posts.

27. Do you read the comments posted on blogs?
I'll read them if I'm looking at blog posts on my laptop but if I'm just on my phone I don't bother as it can be quite hard to scroll through them.

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other blog posts?
I have a massive list of all the products I want, and then a much smaller list of ones that I 'need', and then usually a list of 4/5 essentials to buy the next time I'm out.

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
At the time I created my blog, I wore bows in my hair every day so that's where that bit came from. I still love bows now but I rarely wear them. And the beauty bit obviously comes from my love of makeup. The name 'bowsandbeauty' was already taken but I had fallen in love with it so I just put an 'x' on the end.

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
I use my iPod touch camera. I did use my digital came for a couple of posts once but surprisingly the pictures weren't as higher quality so I've just stuck with my iPod. I am saving up for an DSLR so hopefully I'll be able to use that in a couple of months.

31. How often do you clean your house?
I live with my parents and my mum stays at home so she does most of the cleaning, but I tidy my room basically every day. I'm obsessed with tidiness.

32. What is your favourite colour?
Here's a new one for you: pastel turquoise. Kind of a mix between mint green and pastel blue, but not really. The closest I could find on Google was this picture of a nail varnish from

33. What's your favourite beauty/fashion magazine?
There isn't really any magazines around that fit what I want from a magazine. If I really need one I usually go for Glamour but I'm not a massive fan.

34. Do you swear?
In all honesty, who doesn't?

35. What are you doing for the rest of the day?
I have training in a bit and then I'm having a quick shower so I'm ready in time for I'm A Celebrity.

And there we have it! I hope you enjoyed reading this post and I tag Anna (link here) Cristy (link here) and Georgia (link here) to do it next. Have fun girlies!

emma x

Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Tuesday Review: Rimmel Kate Moss 107 Lipstick

A month or so ago I finally jumped on the bandwagon and bought one of the most raved about lipsticks EVER. I'm one of those people that refuses to follow the hype about products but then a few months later I decide that maybe I should try it ahah. A deep red lipstick is pretty much essential in Autumn and Winter and I didn't have one so I thought that I should try the Rimmel Kate Moss 107 as everyone seems to love it so much.

The bright red packaging is great because I can easily find it in my collection, and the lid clicks really firmly shut which I like because I'm always scared that the lid of my lipstick is going to come off in my bag. As you probably already know, 107 is a deep red, berry colour that works on most skin tones. I have slightly tanned pale skin and it looks amazing on me if I do say so myself. It really compliments my skin and somehow makes it look clearer.

The formula is slightly drying so a good lip balm underneath is required, but it isn't so bad that my lips take days to recover. The colour is very opaque so the bullet will last me forever. I find that this is a great colour for the evenings, and during the day I will sometimes press the lipstick onto my lips to leave a sheer tint. This gives my lips an autumnal berry tone without being too out there.

Overall this is a great lipstick for this time of year, day and night, and although the formula is quite dry, I find this preferable to it smudging and having a short wear time.

emma x

Friday 21 November 2014

Delicious and Easy Lemon Drizzle Cake Recipe

I haven't done a recipe post in a while so I decided I would take some pictures when doing my latest bake so I could share it with you. The pictures aren't of the highest quality because it was getting dark, and to be honest the cake does look a bit boring, but this recipe is all about the taste! It is so lemony, zesty and tangy, perfect for all you citrus lovers!

1) Preheat the oven to fan 160, and grease line a loaf tin.

2) Sift 175g of self-raising flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder into a large glass bowl.

3) Add 175g of margarine, 175g of castor sugar, 3 egg and 4 tablespoons of milk to the dry ingredients.

4) Beat until smooth with a mixer to ensure that all the ingredients are fully combined. It should lighten slightly in colour; this shows that it is properly mixed.

5) Add the rind of two lemons and mix in lightly with a wooden spoon,

6) Spoon the mixture into the prepared loaf tin, and hollow out the centre. Bake in the preheated oven for 55 minutes.

7) As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, turn it on to a wire rack to cool.

8) Use a skewer to make lots of holes all over the top of the cake. Push it in and then twist to make sure the holes are big enough.

9) Wait for the cake to cool fully then heat together the juice of one lemon and 60g of castor sugar in a saucepan. Only a low heat is needed.

10) Spoon the drizzle over the cake. It will sink into the holes so it spreads through the cake. Some of the drizzle will run through so ensure the wire rack is on a surface that can easily be wiped clean.

11) Leave the lemon drizzle to settle into the cake and then transfer it to your chosen serving plate.

12) Enjoy your cake!

emma x

Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Tuesday Review: Clearasil Superfruits Face Scrub

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have recently started using a new face scrub and this is it. I hadn't used anything from Clearasil in a while so I thought it would be good to see how things had moved on and give this ago.

Firstly, who doesn't love the girly pink packaging! The scrub itself is even pale pink which makes me very happy hahah. It comes out the tube very thick so I like to mix it in my hands with a bit of water first to make it easier to spread over my face. One of the things I love about this product is that it has just the right abrasiveness, the bits of scrub aren't so small that they don't do anything, but they aren't so big that it would make the scrub unsuitable for daily use. It lathers up very slightly which I personally like because I feel as if my face has been thoroughly washed when a product foams up.

The scent of this is fresh and fruity, but isn't very strong so don't be put off if you don't like the smell of raspberry and cranberry (although I personally love it). Just before starting to use this, I had a few breakouts, but this cleared them up in no time, and has helped to reduce scarring from previous spots.Ultimately, it has made my skin a lot clearer and has somewhat helped to control oil throughout the day too.

emma x

Friday 14 November 2014

My Christmas Beauty Wishlist

Christmas Beauty Wishlist

So November arrived and with it came the excitement of Christmas! I for one am already super excited for all the beautiful decorations, cosy nights in and Christmas movies, not to mention all the new beauty releases! Today I'm going to be sharing some of the beauty items on my wishlist this year. For some of you it may seem ridiculously early to be doing this, but on the other hand I know that some of you will be starting your Christmas shopping already and therefore are in need of some inspiration.

1) Zoeva Makeup Brushes - I found it very hard to pick which ones I wanted the most, but I decided upon ones that I didn't have anything similar to at the moment. I chose the Brow Line Brush (322), Luxe Soft Crease Brush (221) and Concealer Buffer Brush (142). These are all quite high up on my list as I am in urgent need of makeup brushes; I currently only have one for foundation, one for powders, and one eyeshadow brush.

2) Rimmel Brow This Way Powder - I really want a brow powder as I think they are the best way to achieve really defined brows. I currently use a matte shade from the Naked 2 palette, but it isn't very convenient to take the whole palette away with me just for the brow colour. I thought it would be best to try a brow powder from the drugstore before splurging on a more expensive one, and this is the one that caught my eye due to its compact packaing.

3) Tresemme 32mm Curling Wand - Since my hair has started to get longer, my current wand, which has a much thinner barrel, isn't really suitable as I need a wider one. I don't curl my hair all that often so didn't want a curler that was too expensive so I picked out this one which can be found for £15-20. This will be great for creating big bouncy curls will hopefully help to add volume to my hair too.

4) Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter - As I have mentioned many times before, this is my all time favourite body butter! My current tub is running out so I put it on my Christmas list as I don't tend to buy bath products for myself. 

5) Ciate Nail Polish in Snow Globe - I saw a mini bottle of this as part of a set in TK Maxx and fell in love. It's a beautiful 'holographic flitter' top coat and looks stunning over pale coloured polishes for a wintery look. 

6) Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual - I have wanted this for so long but can never bring myself to actually buy it, so hopefully someone else will be kind enough to buy it for me. For some reason I have never been able to justify it when there is so much advice available for free on the internet, but I think this will be great for reading on winter days, when I don't want to be using technology all day. This has so many great reviews so I can't wait to see what all the hype is about.

7) Next Just Pink Perfume - This was my first ever perfume back when I was about 10 and it still remains my perfume of choice even now. It is the perfect mix of fruity and floral and basically just smells amazing! I'm very proud of myself that my favourite perfume is actually really cheap (£14), rather than a super expensive designer brand haha. My bottle has tragically just run out but I'm hoping I can survive until Christmas without it, although I do have a travel sized bottle stashed away for emergencies.

8) Zoe Sugg Girl Online - Not strictly a beauty item, but let's be honest, it's what Zoella's known for isn't it! I'm sure this will be on many people's wishlists this Christmas, if they haven't already bought it, and I am no different! I absolutely adore Zoe and have watched every single one of her videos so I can't wait to read this. 

9) The Body Shop Instablur Primer - My Benefit Porefessional Primer sample has finally run out after lasting a good 3 months, so before purchasing the full size bottle I wanted to try out a cheaper alternative. This one is quite reasonably priced, especially with The Body Shop's regular 40% off codes, and has some real rave reviews so I thought it would be a good one to try.

And there we have it. Let me know in the comments what's on your wishlist and if you'd like to see another, non-beauty, related wishlist.

emma x

Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Tuesday Review: Herbal Essences Bee Strong Hair Mask

My hair is super soft, like unstyablely soft, but it is also dehydrated and weak so I needed a mask that was nourishing and would make my hair stronger, without making it softer that it already is. Insert the Herbal Essences Bee Strong Mask.

It may seem like every product I feature on my blog I am in love with, however this is because if I'm unimpressed with a product I tend to get rid of it and move on to something better before it can cause too much damage; only the best is good enough for me! Also, I tend to do my research before buying a product so I never end up buying many products that I don't like, therefore if you're on a budget, I would really recommend reading a few different reviews of a product before taking the plunge.

Back to what we're here for and on with the review of this hair mask. Firstly, the packaging is a large tub, meaning you get plenty of product, and the only thing I don't like about it is that the yellow colour really doesn't match my bathroom, but hey, I can look past that.

This mask smells AMAZING! It smells like honey, but also has a typical shampoo smell so that your hair is still left smelling fresh. The scent does actually linger as well so your hair is left smelling wonderful until you next wash it.

The mask itself is lovely and smooth and glides over your hair really easily. I actually use this over my hair to give it all a moisture boost as it doesn't leave my roots greasy in the slightest. If I'm in a rush I'll leave it on for 5 minutes or so while I shave in the shower, but if I have longer I will leave it in for a good half an hour to an hour while I have a nice bath. When I wash it out my hair is left feeling soft, but not too silky and slippery.

After blow drying, this mask makes my hair feel thicker because the strengthening qualities help to widen each hair strand. Since using this for the last few months, I have noticed less hair breakage which my hair was previously very prone to because the strands are so thin.

Overall I am highly impressed with this hair mask considering its price point, and I will be trying more from the brand. What other herbal essences products would you recommend?

emma x

Friday 7 November 2014

Product Empties #3

As I mentioned in my last empties post, I have been using up a lot of products recently, hence why there's another empties post so soon after the last one. I've been loving using up all the products though as it always gives me a sense of satisfaction, and it helps to clear out my cupboards. Also, it means I can move on to using the new products I've bought that I've been waiting to use. Here's what I've used up this time:

All of this post's hair products are actually styling products so I thought I'd start with them. First up is the Toni and Guy Casual Salt Spray, which I actually did a review about here, so I won't go on about it too much, but basically it's a really good salt spray for adding texture and wave, so much so that I've already bought another bottle. Next is the L'oreal Texture Spray which I also mentioned recently in my drugstore favourites and fine hair tips, tricks and products. This is just a great product for adding volume to limp and lifeless hair without the damage of backcomb. Lastly in this section I have the Schwarzkopf Heat Defence Spray. I only bought this because I was in desperate need of one so asked my mum to pick up whatever one she found in Tescos. It was actually pretty good and did it's job of protecting my hair from heat damage, however I have since picked up a bit more of an advanced one that is more suited to my hair type and helps to add volume.

The next section is skincare and I'm pretty sure I actually mentioned all these products in my morning and evening skincare routines so I won't go on about them for too long. The first thing is a Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Face Scrub. I really enjoyed using this because of the fresh scent and how soft it left my skin, however I felt that it wasn't quite abrasive enough for my needs so I have replaced it with a different scrub (which I will be sure to feature soon). Then there is the No7 Soft and Soothed Toner which I have been using for years and just love. With the No7 Vouchers it comes out really cheap, and it just leaves my skin feeling so refreshed and clean. I will continue to repurchase this over and over again. The Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturiser was just what I was looking for when i purchased it; an all in one product that can be used day and night without breaking me out. I have since moved on to more specialised products, however this is great for someone younger who is just building their first skincare routine. Finally, the Clean and Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion is ideal for people who cherish their sleep and want to have an extra few minutes in bed in the morning. It's a quick, easy and fuss-free way of cleansing your face and I have already repurchased this.

The last couple of products, as usual, didn't fit into any category. The first of these is the Gillette Satin Care Pure and Delicate Shaving Gel. I really like this as it makes a really rich and thick foam, and is only very weakly scented with a lovely fresh aloe vera scent. I find it much easier to shave using a foam because I can see which parts I have been over already, so it is less likely that I miss any patches. To finish, I have yet another Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. I just really enjoy using this as it has great coverage, is easy to blend, and is one of the cheapest concealers on the market. I have actually bought a different concealer to try this time (which you will already know if you read my last post), however if it disappoints me I will come straight back to this one.

The end! Hopefully I won't be using up many more products over the next few months as this month proved very costly with all the products that needed replacing hahah. Until next time...

emma x

Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Tuesday Review: Maybelline Fit Me Concealer

Last month I used up yet another Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, and decided it was about time I tried a new one. I had been using the Collection one for a couple of years, without even considering other options so I was excited to see what else was out there. The Maybelline concealer caught my eye with its sleek packaging and fairly large shade selection for a drugstore brand.

The packaging is plastic, though it does have the appearance of glass, and has minimal text, making it look more sophisticated. It has a doe foot applicator, which I really like, however, the suction of the applicator seems to lead to a lot of concealer getting stuck around the screw part of the tube. I'm not sure why this is, but it is resulting in a fair amount of wastage which is quite frustrating.

I have the shade 20, which is a yellow toned mid nude kind of shade. I bought it when I was more tanned, so it is getting a bit dark for me now, but it fits my skin perfectly when I have a bit of fake tan on, especially since my skin is naturally very yellow. Compared to the Collection concealer, this is very runny, however it still offers great coverage. The thinner texture makes it easy to blend, but it does mean you have to work in thin layers, otherwise it won't set.

This is definitely more of a blemish concealer, rather than an under eye one because it isn't very brightening, however I do plan on getting a lighter colour for when I'm not so tanned, which may work as an under eye concealer when I have fake tan on as it will be lighter than my skin tone.

Have you tried this concealer before? What did you think of it?

emma x

ps. I made a twitter account, and would love it if you could follow me @bowsandbeautyx . There will be regular updates and previews to new posts, as well as personal tweets so you can get to know me better.