Sunday 23 February 2014

Evening Skincare Routine

Hello again! Three posts in one week - you lucky ladies! Today's post is my evening skincare routine to go with my morning one earlier in the week, so let's get started.

First, I use Johnson's Gentle Eye Makeup Remover to take off my eye makeup gently and effectively (I forgot to put this is the picture whoops). I've talked about this product in a few of my other posts so have a look through them if you want more info about it.

Next I use face wipes to take off my face makeup. I'm currently using Nivea ones but I would recommend the Simple ones as I find them much more effective. Lots of people don't like face wipes as they have quite a lot of chemicals in them, but I've never had any problems with them and I wash my face after anyway so it gets rid of anything left on my skin. I find that wipes are a great quick and easy way to take off the worst of my face make up.

The next thing I do is use a face scrub to make sure that my face is really cleansed, fresh and free from makeup. I'm currently using the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Daily Scrub and I'm really enjoying it. It smells super fresh with just makes me feel really clean, and the exfoliating particles really prove to me that it's doing its job of ridding my skin of all the nasties that have built up during the day.

I then go in with my No7 Soft and Soothed Toner to ensure that there is absolutely nothing left on my face. This makes my skin super soft and is a really luxurious part of my routine. After this I use my Clearasil Ultra Overnight Lotion which not only moisturises my skin to keep it lovely and soft, but also helps to fight spots too.

Lastly I apply my Boots Skin Clear Rapid Action Spot Gel to any spots that I have or can feel coming. This is the best spot gel I've found and I love it. I like to use it at night because I can apply a big round blob, leave it to dry and get to work overnight, and then peel what's left off in the morning, with the blemish being significantly smaller than it was the night before.

And that's all there is to it! I really hope you enjoyed this post and let me know in the comments what you would like to see me write about next month.

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