Sunday 19 January 2014

My 2014 Resolutions

Now new years resolutions are usually something I don't bother with, partly because I have always lacked the will power to see them through, and partly because I haven't been able to think of one. This year however, I surprised even myself when it got to new years day and I had a clear list of things I wanted to achieve in 2014. And, by putting the list on the internet for all to see, I thought I would be more likely to complete them as not only is there more pressure as all you guys will know about them, but also the list will be clearly visible to me as a constant reminder of what I need to do.

So, let the list commence...

Health Related

Lose 10 Pounds - Yes it's a very random amount but it will take me down to my target weight and I don't exactly want to go declaring that on the internet! Also, it's not a massive amount of weight but I want to improve my fitness and strength which will involve converting fat to muscle so although I won't be losing weight, I'll still be getting a better body (can you tell I've been researching this? hahaha)

Drink a Glass of Water Everyday - To some of you this may seem absolutely ridiculous but I hate the taste of water. Usually I only drink squash and juice, so I want to swap one of these drinks everyday for a glass of water as it is so much healthier.

Go to the Gym Once a Week - I'm sure this is on many people's lists but I'm determined to stay fit this year! I have also ordered Jillian Michaels' '30 Day Shred', and am hoping that should I not have the time to go to the gym one week, I could to a couple of sessions of this to keep up my fitness and reassure myself that all is not lost!

Do the 7 Minute Workout Everyday - This is a nifty little app that I've downloaded onto my iPod, and it gives you an intense circuit to do that only takes up 7 minutes of your day (though truthfully the circuit lasts for 7 minutes and 50 seconds so is nearer to 8 minutes, but it's still short all the same). It aims to improve strength and fitness without taking too long, and from the results I've had so far, it does just that.

Improve my Posture - In recent months, I have begun to feel very self-conscious about how hunched my shoulders are, so I want to spend a few minutes a day pulling them back in the hope that it will help. This will be very hard to measure but I've got my mum on duty to see if she notices any difference!

Social Media

Do a Blog Post Once a Week - Obviously I've only just started this blog, but I really want it to be a success, and I'm hoping that posting regularly will help me to achieve this. I would love to be able to do more posts than this, but realistically it wouldn't happen as I have my GCSEs this year, among many other time-consuming events.

Post on Instagram Twice a Week - I feel like recently I have neglected my instagram rather a lot, but I really want to get back into a routine of posting regularly as I really love sharing photos and interacting with my followers.


Write down One Good Memory Everyday - This year, I will have a lot of stressful things happening, including taking my GCSEs and starting college, and I really want to try and stay positive through that. I am hoping that doing this will make me feel happier overall, and teach me to look for the good in everything that happens. This is one of the resolutions that I want to successfully achieve the most, so I've bought a cute little diary to write all my memories in to encourage me to do so (and keep track of my other resolutions).

Get a Job - This is something that I can't work on on a regular basis (is it right to have two 'on's there?!), but something big that I really want to achieve this year. I love the sense of having my own money and not feeling guilty for asking my parents for some. Being a youngun though, (my birthday is in late August), it is likely that I will have left school and started college before I fulfill this.

And there we have it - a big long list of things I want to do this year! I plan on doing a post in six months time to update you guys on how they're all going and keep me motivated to continue with my goals for another six months!

So until next time, goodbye!


  1. I love the idea of writing down one good memory everyday. I think I should do that.


    1. thank you:) and you should! I've really enjoyed doing it so far, and it has definitely helped to keep me more positive :)
