Wednesday 3 December 2014

blogmas #3: Party Perfect Brows

Okay so making an eyebrow tips post into a Christmas one may be pushing it a bit, but I have been waiting to do this post for ages, and everyone needs good brows for the party season, right?

1) Fill your eyebrows in before plucking them - This way it is much easier to pluck them to the shape that you want and avoid overplucking. It then makes it much quicker to fill them in because your brows already have the shape that you're aiming for.

2) Try a variety of products - Different things work for different people so be willing to try new ones. I've tried gels, pencils and powders, and although I've found some amazing products, I'm still not entirely happy with my brow routine, so next on my list of things to try is the Makeup Revolution Liquid Brow Tint, and the Tarte Brow Mousse.

3) Define that arch - Poker straight brows can give you an angry expression, so lift your arch a little to make you look happier and frame your face better. Don't go over the top and try and give yourself something you don't have, but a little extra around the arch can make all the difference.

4) Use concealer under your brows - Adding a touch of concealer once you're done gives your brows a really clean, sharp finish. It's best to use a really small concealer brush for this for added precision. Using a pale concealer can also act as a bit of a highlight to further enhance your brows and brighten your complexion a little.

5) Check the finished product in different mirrors around the house - In my bedroom mirror my brows can look totally on point but then I go in the bathroom and you can't even see that I've tamed them. I recommend doing them in one mirror, and then going to another to touch them up, to ensure you look picture perfect in all lighting.

My final tip is to embrace what you have! Be confident, rock those brows and enjoy the paarrtaayyy!

emma x

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