Sunday 7 December 2014

blogmas #7: The Christmas Tag

I wanted today's blogmas post to be super festive, and what better way to do that than to do the Christmas Tag! I've seen a few version of this floating around but I chose to do this one from Makeup Savvy (link here). At the bottom I've included the questions so you can easily copy & paste them onto your own blog if you want to do the tag!

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
Elf! It's funny every time and I just can't get enough of it; I watch it at least 5 times every Christmas. For a Christmas lover I actually haven't seen that many festive films so this years I'm hoping to make up for it and watch loads.

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
In my family we spread them throughout Christmas Day. When my parents wake up we open our main presents, and then we have a couple every few hours throughout the day. My parents also like to save one presents each for me and my brother for Boxing Day so that Christmas can go on a bit longer ahaah.

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I don't remember a specific Christmas, but when I was younger I used to love going into my parents room early on Christmas morning and watching all the limited edition Christmas cartoons that used to be on TV. Then we would all go down together, check that Father Christmas had eaten his mince pie, and that Rudolph had eaten his carrot, and then excitedly open our presents!

4. Favourite festive food?
I'm not really a massive fan of most Christmas foods; I don't hate them, but I certainly don't love them. However, Terry's Chocolate Oranges are a huge favourite of mine. Although they're not strictly a festive food, I go a bit crazy with them over the festive period, and I especially love the variety boxes with the different types of segment!

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
It sounds very cliche, but when I look back at previous Christmas' I find it very hard to remember what I actually received as gifts. I don't know that it's my favourite gift, but I do recall once getting a Disney CD and spending the entire day playing it on repeat and absolutely loving life, so at the time that present was a firm favourite of mine.

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
This seems to change every year for me as I'm constantly trying new scents and loving them more than my previous favourite, but at the moment it's anything cranberry scented. I'm currently loving the Cranberry Ice Yankee Candle and The Body Shop's Frosted Cranberry Shower Gel. We also have a really nice smelling diffuser in our bathroom, I don't know what the scent is, but it basically just smells of Christmas haha.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
We used to go to church in the evening but we've stopped that now. For the last few years, one of my friends has come round and we've done lots of Christmassy baking which always leaves the house smelling amazing! We basically spend the day being super festive and getting hyped for Christmas the next day.

8. What tops your tree?
We have a very traditional looking angel that I'm not overly keen on but my parents like it so there's not a lot I can do about it! Our entire tree is actually pretty crazy, which no matching baubles, and all sorts of random decorations. I prefer a nice traditional tree, with a nice colour scheme and evenly spaced decorations, and of course plenty of glitter and sparkle.

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
A puppy! Every year since I was about 5 it's been at the very top of my wishlist, and it still is now! I just love dogs and want one so badly but my parents don't want a pet running around the house. As soon as I move out, I'm sure there will be a new fluffy addition to the family.

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Definitely the build up to Christmas. I love everything about it, including the lovely decorations, late night shopping, the growing excitement, choosing presents for my friends and family, seeing people I haven't seen for ages and festive baking! I just love it all and am 100% one of those people that looks forward to Christmas all year round.

Hope you've enjoyed this tag! If you also do the tag make sure to let me know as I'd love to read your answers!

emma x

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
4. Favourite festive food?
5. Favourite Christmas gift?
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
8. What tops your tree?
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?

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